Why are we developing a new strategy?

Where we are now...

Children and young people across the UK are facing ever greater and more complex challenges.

From the long shadow of covid, to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, far too many families are struggling. And as always, we know there are some groups who face particular forms of disadvantage.

Our job at Barnardo’s has been to step in and bring love, hope and a sense of belonging to the children and young people who need us most. We’ve been doing that for 157 years, and in recent times we’ve been proud to step up to meet the demands of today. Not only have our vital services reached more children and families than ever before, we’ve also adapted to changing needs. For example...

  • we worked with partners to help 100,000 children struggling during the pandemic;
  • we took action to help families arriving from Ukraine – as well as from Afghanistan, Syria and other countries; and
  • as the price of food and energy skyrocketed, we set up a new fund to assist those accessing our services who could no longer afford the basics.

Looking to the future ...

The world has changed beyond recognition since we published our last Strategy in 2016, and that’s why we’re developing a new Strategy that will help us meet the needs of children today and tomorrow.

Through our new Strategy we will work to make children safer, healthier, happier and more hopeful.

We will be focused on a number of activities to help us deliver this. We haven’t finalised the Strategy yet, but to give some examples, we will:

  • Strive to deliver excellent, inclusive services for children, young people and families
  • Transform the way we measure, describe and communicate our impact
  • Speak out with a clearer and louder voice with and on behalf of children and young people
  • Strengthen the Barnardo’s family of colleagues and volunteers, with a shared culture based on our values
  • Inspire a growing Barnardo’s community of supporters to help us deliver our Purpose

Who have we spoken to?

We want to make sure our new Strategy is based on the views and experience of everyone in the Barnardo’s family.

Children and Young People

Children and young people have been involved in every stage of our Strategy development process. It’s critically important that our new Strategy, and our new brand, are grounded in the voice and lived experience of the people we’re here to support.

We asked 25 children and young people we support what they thought about Barnardo’s purpose. Here’s what they told us:

We’ve engaged 114 children and young people supported by Barnardo’s services, along with 75 young people who we don’t work with directly.

  • When you hear the word Barnardo’s, what comes to your mind first?

    • Retail stores
    • Friends and networks

  • How has Barnardo’s helped you?

    • Mental health
    • Feeling more confident
    • Know where to go for help

  • What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

    • Get a job
    • Support others

Young people found creative ways to share their views

Colleagues and Volunteers

Colleagues and volunteers from right across the charity and all parts of the UK have been sharing their views on the new Strategy.

Everyone at Barnardo’s is either working directly with children and young people, or indirectly on their behalf.

That’s why it’s so important that all colleagues feel ownership of our new Strategy and feel they are working together to deliver our purpose.

Over 650 colleagues joined 11 in-person ‘roadshow’ events

Over 1,300 colleagues joined 50+ meetings, in-person and online.

Over 2,400 colleagues answered questions in our recent charity-wide survey

Over 160 colleagues answered an in-depth digital engagement tool

Roadshow: 11 events | Over 650 colleagues

Our CEO, Lynn Perry, travelled by plane, train, and automobile to visit each region and nation in the UK to talk about our future plans with colleagues and volunteers. Colleagues from all parts of the charity came to events near where they live and work – right across Children’s Services, Development and Innovation, Retail and Trading, Business Services, Fundraising and Marketing, Business Services, Strategy and External Affairs, and People and Culture.

UK map showing the number of people involved on the roadshow, Fundraising and Marketing: 80, Scotland (Stirling): 48, Northern Ireland (Belfast): 84, CYMRU (Wrexham): 30, South West England (Taunton): 23, North England (Newcastle): 37, North England (Bradford): 37, Central England (Leicester): 34, London: 29, South East (London): 58, Business Services: 194
a group of about 40 people pose in front of a slide reading 'Bradford Roadshow. Thank you'
20 people sitting in a room watching a presenter with a slide reading 'strategy update'
a large room with circular tables around which people are discussing
a group of about 40 people pose in front of a slide reading 'South East Roadshow. Thank you
2 circular tables around which people are discussing and placing post-it notes on flipboard pads
a group of a about 25 people pose in front of a slide reading 'Wrexham Roadshow'.

What you said

Colleagues across the UK told us what they think Barnardo’s should be known for.

We gathered so much of our colleagues’ feedback, thoughts and ideas at the roadshows, and there were some common themes that kept coming up…

wordcloud with keywords from survey and online tool analysis. Popular words include: vulnerable, children, poverty, change, mental health, voice, history

Why we’re here...


Too many children and families are facing disadvantage and for some groups things are even harder - and that’s not fair. The ‘system’ we currently have doesn’t work well for many children and families.

the number one issue I think is inequality and poverty, these effect people’s day to day lives and their aspirations, which effects them and their children’s children.

Who we are...

Driven by hope

We strive to be inclusive, open-minded and non-judgmental. We are collaborative - we work with others, locally and nationally to work together to achieve change for children

The most caring and supportive charity that gives children, young people, families, hope, love and a way forward in their life.

What’s special about us...

We see the whole child

We support children and families who may feel let down by statutory services. We’ve spoken out on really difficult issues affecting children, even when they’re considered ‘taboo’. We ‘think national’ - working right across the UK - but we’re a local charity - grounded in communities. We feel like members of the ‘Barnardo’s family.’

We don’t see a ‘problem’ we see the possibility of a positive future.

How we feel about our brand...

Needs to reflect Barnardo’s today

Most people have heard of Barnardo’s, and that’s really valuable. But it’s not true of all communities, and it’s different between age groups. Our green colour is recognised - including by many children, young people and families we support. But overall our brand doesn’t explain who we are or what we do. It’s just not fit for the future.

Trusted, respected, quality... but people aren’t always clear what we do.

Where we want to go...

Achieving excellence for children and young people

We want to focus on delivering impact for children. We’re proud of our size and scale but we want to make sure we can demonstrate the positive difference we make. We want to step in as early as possible – helping children and families before we reach crisis point. We want to speak with a louder and clearer voice – reflecting the views and experience of children and young people

We want to be the most caring and supportive charity that gives children, young people, families, hope, love and a way forward in their lives.

External stakeholders

We've spoken to partners, supporters, commissioners and politicians from across the UK to find out what they think Barnardo’s should focus on between now and 2027.

Here’s a snapshot of what they said about Barnardo’s:

Our best bits

Professional – sometimes inspirational

National scale and local connection

Collaborate in long-term partnerships

Stick with children, young people and families

Build relationships

Provide trusted, expert advice

Strong legacy to build on

Opportunities for the future

Sharing examples of impact

Make it easy to see the work we do in our services

Opportunities to hear new ideas

Choose the big issues to speak out on

Provide solutions to the trickiest problems

What’s next

Our CEO Lynn Perry has a message about what’s happening over the next few months and how you can stay involved.

We’ll be continuing to develop our new Strategy, our Outcomes Framework and our updated brand between now and December 2023. Look out for regular updates and ways to get involved.

Thank you for helping to shape our future!